[SalesForce] Visualforce remote objects

I was reading through this documentation.


As per the doc:

Visualforce Remote Objects are proxy objects that allow basic DML
operations on sObjects directly from JavaScript

Does this mean that any org that do not have API/ Apex class access (like professional org:I assume all orgs have VF page access but restricted with APEX/ API access) can start using VF page/ with Visualforce remote objects for doing DML operations ?

Notice something very unusual about this page—there is no controller
or controller extension
. All of the data access is handled by the
Remote Objects components.

Like JavaScript remoting, Remote Objects calls don’t count towards API
request limits

Looking more, this feature seems awesome that you use JS with VF and start CRUDing Sobjects


Some cool features this offers over JavaScript remoting are :

  1. Freedom from controllers
  2. No Test classes
  3. Easy code management
  4. Not counted against API call

please clarify

Best Answer

The Apex Developer’s Guide has a section Best Practices for Using Remote Objects that is very well written and, generally, addresses what Remote Objects are good for and what they aren’t. Here is the first sentence on the page:

Visualforce Remote Objects is an effective tool for quickly adding simple data operations to Visualforce pages.

The page then goes on to cover limitations with transaction boundaries (e.g., inserting an Order and Order Products in one transaction isn’t possible), addresses issues on business logic placement, handling complexity, and gives alternatives to Remote Objects.

The short answer is simple CRUD based functionality is where Remote Objects work best. For example, an app that lets you edit Contact information, or an app that displays a List of some Object, etc., are good. A complex financial system, probably not a good fit.

Know that there are documented limitations. It is still in developer preview so is subject to change without backward compatibility and it is also documented as not yet feature complete.

Can it be used in PE?
I didn’t see it documented anywhere that they can’t be used in a PE org. I just signed up for a Professional Edition Pre-release on the pre-release sign up page and was able to use Remote Objects without issue.

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