[SalesForce] Visualforce rerender broken in IE11

I've seen other issues with IE9 (that were patched) and a very specific question about IE11 rerendering with long text areas, but this seems to be a lot more general. I built a simple rerender test and it works fine in Chrome, Firefox, and IE9 but is broken in IE11. We have an Appexchange app and this is a major issue for us, because it looks like rerenders are broken everywhere.

It's easy to reproduce, and it does not seem to matter if I remove all empty spaces, remove the page header, within an iframe, not in an iframe, it simply never works in IE11.

VF page:

<apex:page id="thePage" controller="rerendercontroller">
<apex:form >
    <apex:commandButton id="thebutton" value="Change It" rerender="thevalue"/>
    <apex:outputText id="thevalue" value="{!time}"/>


public with sharing class rerendercontroller {

    public Integer getTime() {
        return system.now().second();

Clicking the button in any browser except IE11 redisplays the seconds. IE11 loads fine, but never rerenders. Anyone seen this before?

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Ok call off the dogs, I missed something dumb. It was an add-on that killed the rerender, that I didn't even realize was running - Avast. I never use IE and try to keep it clean, but that one snuck in there under the radar. Disabled it and restarted IE11, and rerender works fine...albeit notably slower than other browsers.

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