[SalesForce] What can be done with SSL + Communities + Force.com Site + Branded Domain

I'm getting mixed messages online regarding SSL support for a Force.com site that is branded with a custom URL domain:

Assuming SF cannot support HTTPS yet, what can be done to brand the URL, if at all possible?

Best Answer

UPDATE April 2021 - even though this is the accepted answer, and I wrote it, it's no longer correct, so you shouldn't read it. Custom domains over SSL are now fully supported, although there are a few hoops to jump through - see my new answer below for more info

You can't do anything to brand the URL for an SSL site - there was a pilot last year allowing this, but that has stopped and as far as I'm aware, none of the functionality has been opened up as generally available. It may be possible if you are a large marquee customer - Activision have this for https://support.activision.com/ (if you inspect the source you'll see a Visualforce viewstate in there). Joe Morse of Salesforce had the following to say on the success site:

> "This was true for a very limited pilot that ran until late last year > (2013), but the product team is evaluating ways to make this work in > production for (Safe Harbor) later this year. " The best I've been able to do is have a thin page or pages hosted by another server that supports the domain name, and then iframe in the https site. That way the force.com URL that is serving the actual content is masked by the thin page wrapper. It can get unwieldy if you are relying on deep linking and bookmarks though, as you then need to be refreshing the outer page each time you navigate to another site page, so you need to orchestrate some navigation using JavaScript.

If you are interested in some of the technical details as to why custom domain names over SSL might be tricky for Salesforce, check out this question and answers:

Sites/Portals and SSL

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