[SalesForce] What colors are supported by slds-progress-bar

By default, the progress bar is blue. I am interested in other colors, particularly in red.

The documentation only shows an example for "success" (by using the class slds-progress-bar__value_success), which results in green.

Googling gave me various suggestions: info, danger, warning, primary, but these all result in blue progress bars.

This is the relevant piece of HTML:

<span class="slds-progress-bar__value slds-progress-bar__value_success" style="width:75%">

Has anyone succeeded in getting a progress bar that is neither green nor blue?

Best Answer

you can use a custom style backgroundproperty in the progress bar.

I have tried this and it works properly

<div class="slds-progress-bar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="75" role="progressbar">
  <span class="slds-progress-bar__value" style="width:75%;background:red">
    <span class="slds-assistive-text">Progress: 75%</span>

Here is the reference Link