[SalesForce] What happened to Salesforce Technical Architect journey books

Does anybody know what happened to https://www.inkling.com/store/salesforce-university/ ?

When I access the page I don't see anything; searching in inkling store also doesn't bring relevant results… Books still seem to be included in Google's (cached) search results but there's no actual content.


Google cache snapshot

There used to be books available to assist you with "Architect yourney" and "Designer exams".

I don't think they ever were available as PDFs, it was something you can read online / via smartphone app but still – I feel I'm bit screwed now planning to attack next exam…

Possibly related problem: http://resourceondemand.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/SGCertifiedIntegrationArchitectureDesigner.pdf mentions this on page 4:

To prepare for this exam, Salesforce University recommends at least
one year of Integration Architecture experience and familiarity with
the Integration Architecture eBook in the Architect Academy.
Salesforce University recommends the following instructor-led and
online courses, and other resources to guide your study:

that's also a dead link for me. Awesome.

Any idea whom we can contact or whatever?

Best Answer

Salesforce has assembled all certification related guides under this main link

Certification link: http://certification.salesforce.com/credentialoverview

Click on left side "Architects" menu for each respective certifications.

Now all the documents are pdf formats, so we can refer them at offline too.


Here is the Application Architect self-directed resource guide

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