[SalesForce] What value to assign at decimal/double variable in constructor in apex class

In constructor,
for string, we assign value to variable this way ' '

for decimal/double, how to assign value to variable in constructor?

I tried 0, but, in database, 0 is stored rather than user input in VF page. If I dont declare price/quantity, the child record is not created. wrapper class is used to create child record & price/quantity are the fields of child record.
Say, user enter 2 as price, 4 as quantity, then 2,4 should be stored in database,, but 0,0 (constructor value is stored in the database.)

custom controller

public class JournalMC_class{
SObject record;

public Journal__c objJour {get;set;}
public String objCompany {get;set;}
public General_Ledge_Account__c objGLA {get;set;}
//  public Item__c objItem {get; set;}
// public Line_Item__c objLine {get; set;}//  public Product_Inv__c objProduct {get; set;}    public Attachment attachment {get; set;}  public boolean pb1Rendered{get;set;} // 
public boolean pb2Rendered{get;set;} // 
public boolean pb3Rendered{get;set;} // true -> show pb3
public String selectedRT{get;set;} // selected value of selectList
public double unitPrice{get; set;}
public double quantity{get; set;}//  public double unitPrice2{get; set;}//  public double quantity2{get; set;}   // public double outputField{get; set;}
    public integer selectedId{get;set;} // wrapperClass id selected line item to delete row. 
public double Total_value{get; set;}  public List<Product_Inv__c> pricePerUnit {get; set;}
   public List<wrapperClass> listWrapper {get; set;}
public class wrapperClass{
      public decimal price {get; set;}
     public decimal quantity1 {get; set;}
    public String product {get; set;}
    public Line_Item__c objLine {get; set; }
 //   public Product_Inv__c objProduct {get; set; }
    public Double outputFieldWrapper {get; set;}
    public Integer index{get;set;} // for index line item for delete item
    public wrapperClass(){
   //     price = decimal.valueOf(' ');
     //   quantity1 = decimal.valueOf(' ');
        product = ''; 
        objLine = new Line_Item__c();

//  List<General_ledge_Account__c> GLA_filtered_Category = [SELECT id, name FROM General_ledge_Account__c WHERE Operational_Category__c = true];
private final Journal__c journal;
// Constructor
public JournalMC_class() { //ApexPages.StandardController controller
    List<Journal__c> journal = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Journal__c]; //       WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')
    if (journal.size() > 0)
        Journal__c j = journal.get(0);
    pricePerUnit = [Select Price_Unit__c from Product_Inv__c ];
      attachment = new Attachment();

    pb1Rendered = true;
    pb2Rendered = false;
    pb3Rendered = false;
    selectedRT = '';
    listWrapper = new List<wrapperClass>();
    wrapperClass wc=new wrapperClass();
    wc.index=0; // index 0 for first element 
    //listWrapper.add(new wrapperClass());
    // listWrapper = new List<wrapperClass>();
  //  listWrapper.add(new wrapperClass());

    objJour = new Journal__c();
    objGLA = new General_Ledge_Account__c();

    Date myDate = Date.today(); // Define a variable to store today's date
    objJour.Journal_Date__c = myDate; // Assign default value for inputField
    //  unitPrice = 0;
    // record = controller.getRecord();  // not sure about this line
    selectedId=listWrapper.size()-1; // for deleting last line item

// Function for uploading files from VF page
/*  public void upload(Id ParentId) {Journal__c objJour = new Journal__c(); Attachment objA = new Attachment();objA.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();objA.ParentId = ParentId; // the record the file is attached to objA.IsPrivate = true;objA.name = attachment.Name; objA.Body = attachment.Body; if(objA.Body != null){ insert objA; ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Attachment uploaded successfully'));}}*/  public void upload(Id ParentId) {
    Attachment objA = new Attachment();
    objA.OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
    objA.ParentId = ParentId; // the record the file is attached to
    objA.IsPrivate = true;
    objA.name = attachment.Name;
    objA.Body = attachment.Body;
    if(objA.Body != null){
        objA.Description = attachment.Description;
        insert objA;
        ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.INFO,'Attachment uploaded successfully'));
public String selectedValue{    get;    set;
// Picklist 
public void onChangeSelectRadio(){
        pb1Rendered = true;
        pb2Rendered = false;
        pb3Rendered = false;
        objJour.Type__c = 'INCOME';
    else if(selectedRT=='EXPENSE'){
        pb1Rendered = false;
        pb2Rendered = true;
        pb3Rendered = false;
        objJour.Type__c = 'EXPENSE';
    else if(selectedRT=='TRANSFER'){
        pb1Rendered = false;
        pb2Rendered = false;
        pb3Rendered = true;
        objJour.Type__c = 'TRANSFER';
public PageReference save_custom(){
    List<Line_Item__c> objLine = new List<Line_Item__c>();
    //   objJour.General_Ledger_Account__c = objGLA.id;
    //    objJour.GLA_cash_source__c = objGLA.id;
    if(objJour.Type__c == null )
        ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Journal type is required.');
        return null;
    if(objJour.Journal_Date__c == null )
        ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Journal Date is required.');
        return null;
    if(objCompany != null && objCompany !='')
        objJour.Company__c = objCompany; 
    insert objJour;

    for(wrapperClass L:listWrapper){
        Boolean doCreate = false;

        Line_Item__c obj = L.objLine;
        obj.Journal__c = objJour.id; 
        if(L.quantity1 != null ){ // && L.quantity1.trim() != ''
            obj.quantity__c = L.quantity1 ;
            doCreate = true;
           if(L.price != null){  // && L.price.trim() != ''
            obj.Price_Per_Unit__c = L.price;
            doCreate = true;

         if(L.product != null && L.product.trim() != ''){
            obj.Product_Inv__c = L.product ;
            doCreate = true;

    if(objLine.size() > 0){
        Insert objLine; 
    //    objJour.Total_Value__c = Total_Value;
      //  update objJour; 
    upload(objJour.Id); // edited
    PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' +objJour.Id);  // redirect the page into detail page

    return pr;
public PageReference cancel_custom(){
    PageReference pr = new PageReference('/apex/Journal_Money_Control');  
    return pr;
// Add Child object record e.g. Line Item
public void addLineItem(){

    wrapperClass objW = new wrapperClass();
    selectedId=listWrapper.size()-1; // for deleting last line item                                                                                                                                                                                    

// Delete Child object record
public void deleteLineItem(){
    //system.debug('enter into deleteLineItem-->selectedId-->'+selectedId + '--listWrapper.size()---'+listWrapper.size());

    listWrapper.remove(selectedId ); // delete button as dynamic 
    for(integer i=0;i<listWrapper.size();i++)
    selectedId=listWrapper.size()-1; // for deleting last line item
public void recalculateFormulas() {
public void calculateRoomCharge()
    unitPrice = 0;
    quantity = 0;
    Total_Value =0;
    for(wrapperClass obj : listWrapper)
        SObject record = (Line_Item__c)obj.objLine;
        if(obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c != null && obj.objLine.Quantity__c != null){unitPrice = obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c;  
            quantity = obj.objLine.Quantity__c;    }    
        obj.outputFieldWrapper = unitPrice*quantity ;
        Total_Value += obj.outputFieldWrapper ;  
    // Fetch the Price /unit for a certain product/* public void calculateRoomCharge1(){system.debug('enter calculateRoomCharge1');List<Product_Inv__c> productInvList = [SELECT id, name, Price_Unit__c FROM Product_Inv__c ];Map<id,Product_Inv__c> productInvMap=new Map<id,Product_Inv__c>(); // get price/unit for selected product for(Product_Inv__c p:productInvList)      { productInvMap.put(p.id,p);

}unitPrice = 0;quantity = 0;
Total_Value =0;
for(wrapperClass obj : listWrapper)
SObject record = (Line_Item__c)obj.objLine;
id rid=(Id )record.get('Product_Inv__c');
if(obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c != null && obj.objLine.Quantity__c != null){unitPrice = obj.objLine.Price_Per_Unit__c;
quantity = obj.objLine.Quantity__c;
obj.outputFieldWrapper = unitPrice*quantity ;
Total_Value += obj.outputFieldWrapper ;
Controller: */
//public class dataTableCon {
List journals;
public List getJournals() {
if(journals == null)
journals = [SELECT name, Type__c, Total_Value__c, Journal_Date__c, Journal_Description__c, (SELECT Name, Product_Inv__c, Quantity__c FROM Line_Items__r) FROM Journal__c ORDER BY Journal__c.CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 20 ];
return journals;


Part of the code

public List<wrapperClass> listWrapper {get; set;}
public class wrapperClass{
      public decimal price {get; set;}
     public decimal quantity1 {get; set;}
    public String product {get; set;}
    public Line_Item__c objLine {get; set; }
 //   public Product_Inv__c objProduct {get; set; }
    public Double outputFieldWrapper {get; set;}
    public Integer index{get;set;} // for index line item for delete item
    public wrapperClass(){
        price = ; //decimal.valueOf(' ')
        quantity1 = decimal.valueOf(' ');
        product = ''; 
        objLine = new Line_Item__c();


Best Answer

Apex handles the type conversion of numeric constants well for Decimals so you can initialize like this if you don't care about the number of decimal places (the scale):

Decimal price;
price = 0;

or like this if you want a specific number of decimal places (2 in this case):

Decimal price;
price = 0.00;

As Rahul suggests, your problem most likely lies in other code.

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