[SalesForce] What’s the SOQL equivalent of ‘SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SomeTable UNION…’

(Warning: SQL Server expert, Salesforce N00b)

Hi All

What's the SOQL equivalent of 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SomeTable UNION..'?

I'm running an SSIS package that pumps data from SalesForce to SQL Server, and it would be great if I could also pump the row counts of all tables to use as an audit check that all rows were pumped successfully. Something like this:

SELECT 'Account' as label, COUNT(*) as row_count
FROM Account
SELECT 'Assessment', COUNT(*)
FROM Assessment__c
{all of my tables}

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

There's no such thing as UNION ALL, as you have probably found. I think the best thing to do is do a global describe, then loop through each object (table) and issue a COUNT() type SOQL query.

UPDATE: example code. Note that this fails for tables with >50K rows

// Returns a map of the object name (all lower case) to the type object
// You can identify custom objects by the trailing '__c' string
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();

// declare the tables you care about; otherwise, the loop below will fail due to
// the 100 SOQL query limit
Set<String> tablesToCount = new Set<String>{'table1__c', 'table2__c', 'table3__c'};

// Store the results.  If you just need a grand total of rows, you can
// just increment an Integer variable, or loop through and count the values
// in the map at the end.
Map<String, Integer> map_tableName2RecordCount = new Map<String, Integer>();

for (String typeName : gd.keySet()) {

    // skip all but the tables you care about
    if (!tablesToCount.contains(typeName)) continue;
    System.debug('Now processing table ' + typeName);

    // issue query.  note that for dynamic SOQL (queries defined as Strings), 
    // you have to use the purpose-built Database.countQuery() method
    try {
        Integer count = Database.countQuery('SELECT COUNT() FROM ' + typeName);
        map_tableName2RecordCount.put(typeName, count);   
    } catch (Exception e) {

        // some objects have special query restrictions and will fail unless
        // those restrictions are met (typically additional WHERE conditions)
        System.debug('Oops. That query failed.  Here\'s why: ' + e.getMessage());


// display the results
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