[SalesForce] When I run sfdx after installing Salesforce CLI in the new Mac, no error and no output

I have installed the Salesforce CLI version 6.44 in my new Mac. The installation runs smoothly with no errors. Then I run the command 'sfdx –help' in the terminal window. It gives neither any error nor any output.

Have probably missed something?

Best Answer

You should be able to get some logs by looking into USER_HOME_DIR/.sfdx/sfdx.log .

If you are on macOS then simply cd into the home directory using cd $HOME and then cd again to the .sfdx folder .

You will find sfdx.log file if you open the .sfdx folder .This should have more info for you .

If you are behind the firewall , then update your environment variables as per the below instructions


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