[SalesForce] Why Account Assignment Rules removes Account from Territory

I have a Territory Account assignment rule with a simple condition. If the Account Country = United States and State = XYZ, assign to a territory. The assignment rule works fine and there are accounts assigned to this territory. However, recently when I reran the rules, it removed few accounts from the territory which had a matching condition. Morever, if I manually edit the Account and save it, the account is assigned to the Territory. Running the rules again removes the account from territory.

I checked salesforce help but couldn't find any reason why an account with matching condition would be removed from a territory. Can someone help me out here?

Example of rule:

(Account: Account Record TypeEQUALSCommercial) AND (Account: Billing CountryEQUALSUnited States) AND (Account: Billing State/Province CodeEQUALSWA,OR,NV,ID,MT,AK,HI,UT,CO,KS,NE,WY,ND,SD,MN,IA,WI,MI,IN,IL)

Example of Address of Commercial record:

Chicago, Illinois 60606 United States

Here Illinois is IL and hence satisfies the territory rule. There are other accounts as well in Illinois who have the territory assigned perfectly but for very few the run rules remove them from the territory. Same is the case for few other states as well.

I created another question which may hold the answer to this. Link: Query Account field IsExcludedFromRealign

Best Answer

IsExcludedFromRealign would also prevent the reassignment when manually updated no?

When you go into a territory and select Manage Rules, down at the bottom there is a Preview button. Does the account show there? Could it be that there is another assignment rule running when you manually update and thus not working when you run the rule you're looking at? Are you actually pressing the Run Rules button?

Not trying to be condescending but running through all the possible scenarios.

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