[SalesForce] Why is the locked record editable

  1. Why is my record locked? I created a record, but, when shown in detail view, it has the 'locked' icon, and appears to be locked at first view, but-
  2. Why can I edit the locked record (Even as a standard user)? The record is completely editable. I have no idea why this is occurring- or why the record is actually not locked.

locked png

Best Answer

1) why is the record locked

I do not see the code use any locking statements, not sure if there are 2 record types used in your org for locking and unlocking if the above 2 statements don't apply:

Check if there is an approval process on the object and in check if there is a final approve action/ final reject action that says

Record Lock Lock the record from being edited

2) Check who can edit the records :

This gives you the answer to why you can still edit the record even as a standard user ( login as a user who is not the submitter of the record or the owner and try to edit, you should get a record locked error)

Record Editability

Administrators ONLY can edit records during the approval process.


Administrators OR the currently assigned approver can edit records during the approval process.

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