[SalesForce] Why OpportunityShare object and UserRecordAccess objects giving different access level

I am not sure why OpportunityShare object and UserRecordAccess objects are giving different access level for a particular record and user combination.

If i run following query on UserRecordAccess object and try to extract HasEditAccess field it return FALSE.

SELECT RecordId, HasEditAccess FROM UserRecordAccess WHERE UserId
='00570000001pGWABA2' AND RecordId ='006Q000000Bt1eMIBR' // Returns false


If i run follwoing query on OpportunityShare object it returns Edit access.

select OpportunityAccessLevel from OpportunityShare WHERE
UserOrGroupId ='00570000001pGWABA2' AND OpportunityId
='006Q000000Bt1eMIBR' // Edit

I am not sure why both queries returning different results?

If i have shared an opportunity with some other user using Apex and grant him Edit right then UserRecordAccess object must return True for that particular user and opportunity combination.

Best Answer

I think you're confusing object-level and record-level permissions. Profiles and permission sets determine how a user can interact with an object, such as Leads, Accounts, and Opportunities. Unless you set View All/Modify All for an object that user may or may not have access to individual records.

Sharing rules modify which records a user can see and edit, providing the user's profile allows for such actions. I can share Opportunities with a user, but if that user's profile does not provide at least Read access to Opportunities that user will never see those records.


UserRecordAccess tells you what access the user has to a particular record; this is the culmination of all of the security settings, starting with the user's profile and assigned permission sets and then applying your global security settings and sharing rules.

If a user is not assigned a profile or permission set granting Edit to the object then UserRecordAccess will always be false since the user does not have access to edit that object.

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