[SalesForce] with

I'm creating a to do list lightning app.

I iterate over a list of items in my database. Each item has a checkbox field, called completed__c. I use an attribute in my lightning component to change if I want the component to display completed, true, or not completed items, false.

I created a lightning event on the newItem form, that adds a new item to the <c:listItems />. On the form where the new item is created, it defaults to completed__c = false, because why would you create a to do list item that is already completed?

The problem: When the new item is created on the form and is defaulted to completed__c = true, the lightning event works and adds it to the <c:listItems /> component on the page without me manually refreshing. But when I default on the form to completed__c = false and set the component attribute to completed = false. I get this error

enter image description here

Here is what my code looks like.

<aura:attribute name="items" type="item__c[]"/>
<aura:attribute name="completed" type="Boolean" default="true"/>

<aura:iteration item="{!v.items}" var="item">

    <aura:if isTrue="{!item.completed__c == v.completed}">

        <ui:outputText value="{!item.Name}" />

    <aura:set attribute="else">





<c:listItems completed="false" />

Best Answer

After looking at all the code you sent me, I am pretty sure the problem you are encountering is the same as the one reported here, which appears to be a Framework issue yet to be resolved.

That said, I have a better workaround than the one one suggested in that post. The problem seems to happen when the call returns an empty array such as what would happen for those items marked non-completed. But, it occurred to me that you might want to re-consider how you are getting the data and instead of returning all the data in each doInit and then using the aura:if to only display what you want. Instead you can resolve this (and I verified it worked by the way), by simply changing your code to pass the completed flag to the getWhiteboardItemsDB method in your Apex class and only return the data you actually want.

This would involve changing the code in your Apex Controller to look like the following:

public with sharing class ListWhiteboardItemsApexController {

public static List<Whiteboard_Item__c> getWhiteboardItemsDB(Boolean completed) {
    return [SELECT Id, OwnerId, IsDeleted, Name, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate, CreatedById, LastModifiedById, SystemModstamp, 
            AssignedTo__c, Completed__c, CompletedBy__c, Completed_Date__c, High_Priority__c, Display__c, Item_Due_Date__c
            FROM Whiteboard_Item__c
           WHERE Completed__c =: completed];

And also change the code in the helper function that calls this method to look like the following:

 getWhiteboardItems : function(component) {
    var action = component.get('c.getWhiteboardItemsDB');
    var completed = component.get('v.completed');
    action.setParams({ "completed" : completed});
    action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
        var state = response.getState();
        if(component.isValid() && state == "SUCCESS") {
            component.set("v.whiteboardItems", response.getReturnValue());

You can then leave your code in the ListItems component with the aura:if and it should work without getting the error.

Please let me know if you think this would work and if so, mark this as the answer so it can possibly help other people.