[SalesForce] Wrapping link in TD tag in Visualforce render as PDF page

I have created a Javascript button, When user clicks on Javascript button it generates a PDF document. I have used renderAs Pdf attribute to generate pdf document from VF page.
My problem is I have a rich text area field and i am displaying it in PDF. It is displaying correctly if rich text area does not have any links inside it.

But if there is link in the filed it overlapping TD tag.

I tried to use following CSS, It is working for VF page but it is not working for PDF page.

td {
   word-break: break-all;
   word-break: break-word;

enter image description here

Thanks for your help in Advance.

Best Answer

Here is a similar solution posted in dev forum. Hope this helps. I have copied the solution here.

private String addWhiteSpaceInUrlTooLong(String text) {
        // Step 1 - Search anchor links
        Pattern ptn = Pattern.compile('<a[^>]*(>.*?)</a>'); // WATCH OUT! This regex doesn't match nested anchor
        Matcher mch = ptn.matcher(text);
        Integer charPerLine = 50; // A whitespace is inserted each charPerLine chars
        while (mch.find()) {
            String toReplace = mch.group(1);
            String substitute = '';
            Integer len = toReplace.length();

            if (len < charPerLine) //No need to replace

            Integer elems; // White space to insert

            if (len / charPerLine == 0)
                elems = len / charPerLine;
                elems = len / charPerLine + 1;

            // Insert white spaces
            for (Integer i = 1; i <= elems; i++) {
                if ((charPerLine * i) < len)
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), charPerLine * i) + ' ';
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), len) + ' ';

            text = text.replace(toReplace, substitute);            

        // Step 2 - Search pasted links
        ptn = Pattern.compile('\\b\\s(https?://\\S.*?)(\\s|$)');
        mch = ptn.matcher(text);
        charPerLine = 60;

        while(mch.find()) {
            String toReplace = mch.group();
            String substitute = '';
            Integer len = toReplace.length();

            if (len < charPerLine)

            Integer elems;

            if (len / charPerLine == 0)
                elems = len / charPerLine;
                elems = len / charPerLine + 1;

            // Insert white spaces
            for (Integer i = 1; i <= elems; i++) {
                if ((charPerLine * i) < len)
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), charPerLine * i) + ' ';
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), len) + ' ';

            text = text.replace(toReplace, substitute);

        return text;

Use this method as below.

MyCustomObject.richText = addWhiteSpaceInUrlTooLOng(MyCustomObject.richText);