Select the default picklist value for lightning-combobox in lwc


For a picklist field, it is possible within Object Manager, to select one picklist value as the default value, so that for new records this field is automatically selected in the dropdown.

I want to show a picklist field on a lwc using a lignting combobox. Is it possible using the lwc framework to assign the correct default picklist value?

I used:

import { getObjectInfo, getPicklistValues } from "lightning/uiObjectInfoApi";

@wire(getPicklistValues, {
        recordTypeId: "$",
        fieldApiName: SOME_PICKLIST_FIELD,
    setPicklistValues({ data, error }) {
        if (data) {
            //How to set the value to the default picklist value?

There however seems to be no method or field I can use that is provided.
Any advice or help would be very much appreciated.

Best Answer

The default value, if any, will be in data.defaultValue. To avoid possible race conditions, store the value in a property:

if(data) {
  if(!this.comboboxValue) {
    this.comboboxValue = data.defaultValue.value;

and bind to the value property:

<lightning-combobox options={options} value={comboboxValue} ...>