SFMCSDK for iOS – Framework Signature Validation Failed


We have been facing an issue recently with the SFMCSDK.xcframework signature on Xcode15. The builds are failing due to the signature check in XCode failing. https://github.com/salesforce-marketingcloud/sfmc-sdk-ios

Specifically, informing us that the certificate of the entity that has signed the framework has been revoked.

Error: The signing certificate has been revoked (CSSMERR_TP_CERT_REVOKED)

We have tested the last 3 versions of the framework, but it looks like the entire certificate chain was revoked.

Additionally, we have noticed that the https://github.com/salesforce-marketingcloud/MarketingCloudSDK-iOS has been archived recently.

Could anyone shed some light on this issue and why was the repository archived?

Thank You.

Signature Error

Best Answer

We are looking into this, We Will keep you posted.


Our SDK certificates was scheduled to expire on 04/21/2024. We renewed our certificate earlier this week due to the recent apple conformance with code signing, we had to update existing releases with the updated code signature. Resigning the affected 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 versions of the SDK was made as opposed to deprecating those builds and forcing an update to an 8.1.3 release.

For cocoapods :

Please remove the pods, clean the cache and do a pod install. Below is the Command:

rm -rf Pods/MarketingCloud-SFMCSdk/ Pods/MarketingCloudSDK/ && pod cache clean 'MarketingCloudSDK' && pod cache clean 'MarketingCloud-SFMCSdk' && pod install.

For SPM :

If you face any errors in fetching the latest updates, please do

rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm 
rm -rf ~/Library/org.swift.swiftpm

Go to Xcode File-> Packages -> Resolve Package Versions, this should update the frameworks.

For Manual inclusion:

Please download the same or latest version of SDKs from the following links which have updated code signatures:



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