Unable to set required attribute for lightning input


I'm currently looking to change the required attribute based on multiple scenarios.
So, I have a created input field with the required attribute as newAccRequire but by default, it's getting the true value.

But if I hardcoded directly required="false" it's working as expected.


<aura:attribute name="newAccRequire" type="String" default="false"/>
<lightning:input aura:id="createNewAcc" type="String" name="inputAccName" 
                                 label="" value="{!v.leadRecord.Company}" 

I have checked any references for this field on controller or helper, but I'm not using this field. Any idea why the field became mandatory automatically.

I have tried the solution but it's breaking in some situations. still, it's setting as true in some situations. any idea?

enter image description here

My JS controller


Best Answer

The attribute you are referencing should be of type "Boolean" for representing true/false values. In JavaScript, all non-empty strings are truthy, so if you use the String attribute type, it will be behave differently than if you declare the attribute as a Boolean type.