Wire Apex Class – Why Can’t I Set a Wire Apex Class to a Variable Array in JavaScript?


I'm using Apex to query data directly from Apex. I have the Wire Service working correctly for HTML, but I want to be able to record my data to an array in my LWC JavaScript file.
Am I missing something or doing it wrong? Should I create a method instead?

LWC JS Code:

import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';

// Importing from the "MapMarkers.js" file.
import { MapMarkers } from './MapMarkers';

// Importing from the "mappingBox" LWC.
import { SearchString, SearchState } from 'c/mappingBox';

// Importing from the "messageChannels" folder.
import { subscribe, MessageContext } from 'lightning/messageService';
import COUNTER_FILE from '@salesforce/messageChannel/updatecounter__c';

// Importing Apex "QueryData" code, to get Opportunity object and fields data.
import getOpportunityList from '@salesforce/apex/QueryData.getOpportunityList';

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Global Variables.
let SearchStreet = '20 abc St';
let SearchCity = 'boston';

var myArray = [];

export default class Mapping extends LightningElement {

    // ** Still in work **


    myArray = this.opportunities;

Apex Code:

public with sharing class QueryData {
    public static List<Opportunity> getOpportunityList() {
        List<Opportunity> OppList = new List<Opportunity>();
        OppList = [SELECT Id, Service_Address__c, Development_Rep__c, Name, Project_Type__c, CloseDate FROM Opportunity LIMIT 5];
        return OppList;

Refined Question:
The reasons why I didn't create a method was that I need to be able to past this array to the "MapMarkers.js" file, and I don't think a LWC method can be import correctly to a JavaScript file.

Best Answer

Wire methods are asynchronous. That means you can't get the data during the construction of your component; myArray = this.opportunities; executes before getOpportunityList does. If you want to do anything with the data in Javascript, you need to wait for the data to load. Alternatively, using a wire handler allows you to correctly set the data when it is available.

    @wire(getOpportunityList) handleGetOpportunityList(response) {
      if(response.data) {
        this.myArray = response.data;

Or the construction you'll find in the documentation:

    @wire(getOpportunityList) handleGetOpportunityList({ data, error }) {
      if(data) {
        this.myArray = data;

Note that the data property will be read-only, so you will need to copy the data before you can use.

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