Why should the fields specified in field attribute of the force:recordData component have permission set


I am building a lightning component in which I am using force:recordData component. I noticed that when I use field attribute with fields from the object and even if one of the fields does not have read access it return a null object when fetched. What is the reason for this? I understand if we fetch a field for which we don't have access, we should get a NULL value returned. But if we are fetching a field that has access then why should a NULL be returned?


Scenario 1:

Name, NumberOfEmployees => Read Access

Custom_Field1__c, Custom_Field2__c => No Access


<aura:attribute name="account" type="Object" />
  <force:recordData aura:id="recordLoader"
    fields="Name, NumberOfEmployees, Custom_Field1__c, Custom_Field2__c"


var numberofemployees = component.get("v.account.NumberOfEmployees");
console.log('Number of employees: ', numberofemployees); => NULL (returns NULL even when NumberOfEmployees has read access)

console.log('Account: ', component.get("v.account")); => NULL (returns NULL on the object)

Scenario 2:

Name, NumberOfEmployees => Read Access

Custom_Field1__c, Custom_Field2__c => Read Access

#Same code as above

console.log('Number of employees: ', numberofemployees); => #value (returns a value)

console.log('Account: ', component.get("v.account")); => Proxy {} (returns a value)

Best Answer

The underlying API returns a fatal error when you try to query a record with fields you don't have access to, rather than just returning the fields you do have access to. If you check the targetError, you'll see an error like No such column 'Custom_Field1__c' exists on entity 'Account'. Consider using layoutType="FULL" if you want to just get all fields for which the user has access to.

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