With simple-salesforce how can i trigger case ownership email


I am using simple-salesforce to assign a case to an agent from a Queue. If I do this via the application i have the check box that says "send email notification" as pictured below.

enter image description here

How can i trigger that same option via code using Simple-Salesforce?

Current Case assignment code looks like this and will actually assign the case but does not trigger the email:

case = SFType("Case", session_id, instance)
# Get the actual record Id for the case
case_id = sf.query(f"SELECT Id FROM Case WHERE CaseNumber ='{case_id}'").get('records')[0]['Id']
# Set the Owner Id
update_data["OwnerId"] = tsa_id
case.update(case_id, update_data)

not sure if i can do something like case.send_email(ownerId) but just wondering if that email trigger is possible.

Best Answer

I actually found a solution that works.

The solution was emailSimple invoke option from here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_actions_invocable_standard.htm

For the issues on the simple salesforce github page, there was solution at the i used to customize the API to make it easy.

Just add the following method to the simple salesforce api.py file:

def invoke_action(self, action, data, method='POST', **kwargs):
    """Makes an HTTP request to an action endpoint."""
    url = "{b}actions/standard/{a}".format(
    result = self._call_salesforce(

        response_content = result.json()
    # pylint: disable=broad-except
    except Exception:
        response_content = result.text

    return response_content

and to call it use SF.invoke_action('emailSimple', {'inputs': [{'emailAddresses': '[email protected]', 'emailBody': 'body 1', 'emailSubject': 'subject 1'}, {'emailAddresses': '[email protected]', 'emailBody': 'body 2', 'emailSubject': 'subject 2'}]}).

The discussion about adding this to simple salesforce and dellsystem's solution can be found here: https://github.com/simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce/issues/163