Baking – 1 baking pan, dough for 2 loaves. What do


I am making bread from this recipe for 2 loaves. The recipe calls for placing the dough in the baking pan and leaving it for 1 hour until the dough doubles in size (and contours itself to the pan).

I have only 1 baking pan. And I am preparing dough for 2 loaves to make bread in bulk.

If I do it sequentially i.e. put the first half of the dough in the pan, let it rise, bake it, and then attend to the second half – I have a problem. The second half will have also risen outside of the pan. This means I'll have to force that dough into the pan and may destroy the structure of the dough.

One thing I can do is the refrigerate the second half while preparing the first. However the yeast-sugar reaction in the dough will continue (albeit slowly). I fear the second half won't rise the same as the first.

The other (obvious) approach is the prepare the dough separately. But that defeats the purpose of my endeavour. I am making 2 loaves together to benefit from the economies of scale.

How should I go about making 2 loaves of bread using a single baking pan from dough prepared together?

Best Answer

Is there a very special reason you want to bake it in a bread pan?

The recipe is solid enough to be baked free-standing, in any bread shape you like - batard, boule, and all the fancy ones. It actually will be way too dry if you tried to incorporate the whole flour (but notice it does not direct you to do so). So you can shape, proof and bake completely without a pan, simply place it on a baking sheet or pizza stone, or onto the bottom of a cake pan.

Alternatively, you can bake it in any other pan you have. For example, round pans such as cast iron paella pans make great round-low breads, although I must say these are better for a large family dining together, since they are not that convenient to cut into slices. But lasagna pans, casserole pans, cake pans, etc. will all work. Or try for once a dutch oven bread and see if you like it.

So, unless the exact cross section is very important to you, just follow the recipe properly by keeping the given times and baking together, no matter what pan you are using (or not using).