Baking – How to Bake Extra Turkey Legs Along With a Whole Turkey?


I have bought 4 Turkey turkey legs that I would like to serve at the same time as the rest of the turkey. I am baking the turkey. At what point in time during the baking do I add the additional legs so they are done at the same time?

Best Answer

It's hard to say exactly, it depends on the size of the turkey and the size of the extra legs, and whether the turkey is stuffed or not. I always cut the legs off my turkey so they don't dry out, they take between 1 and 1.5 hours to cook. I usually let the turkey bake for an hour before adding the legs, then I start checking the legs' temperature an hour after that. This generally means the legs and turkey body are done about the same time. I'm usually roasting a 16lb (7kg) turkey though, if yours is smaller you'd probably want to reduce those times somewhat.