Baking – What Can Substitute Blonde Cane Sugar in Macaroons?


I've found a beautiful (and simple!) looking recipe for coconut lime macaroons but it calls for blond cane sugar, which I haven't seen in any of my local supermarkets in the UK, nor have I ever used it in my baking.

Is anyone acquainted enough with either blond cane sugar or macaroons to suggest an alternative – especially a healthier alternative than straight up sugar?

Best Answer

Sucanat or turbinado sugar (Sugar in the Raw) would be pretty indistinguishable from blond cane sugar. One of them might actually even be the same thing under a different name.



Here's a bit more about the subtle differences between sucanat and turbinado. Time article

Here ya go, from Amazon UK evaporated cane juice UK

Also from Amazon UK sucanat UK

And one more turbinado UK