Baking – Whats the difference between white and yellow corn meal. and all cornmeal or half flour half cornmeal


I usually make cornbread with white corn meal and no sugar. I like the no sugar part, but I want to experiment with the batter a bit. What are the following changes supposed to achieve:

  • Yellow corn meal as opposed to white
  • Half flour in the mix.

My normal corn meal recipe is this

Best Answer

The problem here is that you're comparing two very different recipes: Northern cornbread (yellow meal, equal parts flour, a tablespoon or so of sugar) and Southern cornbread (white meal, no or little flour, no sugar). There's no real point in trying to mix and match or interpolate between the recipes, any more than than it would make sense to make something halfway between cioppino and bouillabaisse, since they are both just fish stew.