Baking – the difference between corn flour and corn meal


I have a recipe that calls for a mix of corn and wheat flours, but my local grocery stores (in the south east US) only carry corn meal.

  1. What is the difference between corn flour and corn meal?
  2. Can I safely use corn meal in the place of corn flour?

Best Answer

The difference between the two can be seen below (the post it is from is an experiment comparing corn meal and flour used in anadema bread):

Corn meal on the left, corn flour on the right

The corn flour is the white, finer ingredient on the right. The first obvious difference is that the texture will differ between the two. The second is that it would have different uses. Both would be effective at displacing gluten-containing flours (as in, neither would be helpful in gluten formation).

In terms of substitution, however, corn meal is likelier substituted by something like semolina flour and corn flour is likelier better substituted by quinoa or garbanzo bean flour.