Bread – Why is the zucchini bread mushy


I just followed this recipe. My only changes were to add walnuts, and some allspice. After the 50 minute baking time, it was still quite gooey, so I kept it in the oven, checking every 5-10 minutes. After half an hour of no progress, I gave up and pulled it out of the oven. It was still quite gooey.

The only place I can think of where I may have had too much moisture going into the batter, would be with the 3 cups of zucchini. It was rather wet… does "well packed shredded zucchini" mean I should pack it so tightly as to remove some of the moisture? Surely not.

Should I just keep baking the bread until it's done, or should I change the recipe somehow?

Best Answer

It could require more time, thanks to extra zucchini. It's a good idea to drain your zucchini right after grating. Not completely, just some of that collects at the bottom of the bowl. That, and a regular loaf pan of zucchini bread can take up to 90 minutes.