Cake – Homemade cream cheese


I like to make no bake cheese cake when I checked few blogs and I got to know that cream cheese is important for this but I don't have cream cheese in the nearby shops. When I further started searching I saw one more blog where they used yogurt and crumbled paneer which is easy for me to use. I just wanted to know is that both together is cream cheese or it's something different.

Best Answer

Cream cheese is a distinct product, with a flavour and texture of its own.

I don't think you'd get the right texture by crumbling paneer into yoghurt, but if you can make paneer you can make cream cheese - or rather [an easy form of ricotta] ( , which is a type of acid set cream cheese. It's essentially the same as making paneer but you stop short of boiling the milk before adding the lemon juice, and you don't press it after straining. If you can make or get unpressed paneer that might work.

Mascarpone is thicker and richer, made from fresh double (heavy) cream and lemon juice.