Can i cook a hash brown differently than the instruction


So in the package the instruction is only on an oven, but i know you can fry a hash brown.

Best Answer

So long as the end result is cooked, you can do it however you like.
I'm assuming frozen, ready-made, supermarket hash browns [pretty much all you ever see in the UK]

  • Oven bake - the lower-fat alternative, 220°C 15 - 20 mins. Nutrition content as stated on the pack.
  • Shallow fry - medium heat, same total time, turn halfway through. More fat than the pack says. Good crisp & brown exterior.
  • Deep fry - for when there's just not enough fat in your diet ;-) Probably ½ - ⅔ the time of shallow-frying. Should crisp up well without browning quite so much.
  • Microwave - probably 1 - 2 mins, just check for when it's piping hot. Cooked, yes, but a texture like porridge.
  • Dry fry or dutch oven - might work if you've patience & don't burn the bits that touch the surface before the heat reaches the rest. Wouldn't try this myself.

& just to be silly - you could boil them… but really, no.