Can putting frozen food in a hot ceramic pan cause a thermal shock


Can putting frozen food in a preheated ceramic coated non-stick pan cause a thermal shock and ruin the pan?

Best Answer

I'm gonna risk getting chastised and answer from first principles, rather than any referenced sources!

The pan will not be affected at all from this. A home freezer will chill foods down to around -20C, a refrigerator to around 5C and the stovetop can heat your pan up to around 350C. Putting food from the fridge into your preheated pan (its most common use-case) could expose the pan to a mass 345C cooler than it, from the freezer 370C. The temperature differential between the two cases is really not that different (~10%) and well within the ability of any pan to withstand. If it were possible to damage a pan with such a small variation from its most common use case, it would also be just as likely that a more efficient/higher temperature stovetop would also damage it.

In short, the only pan that would be damaged by this would be a pan that was not fit for purpose.