Coffee – Any way to reduce the tangy taste of homemade coconut milk


I make different kinds of non dairy milks (nut, rice, etc). I rather like coconut milk, but would like to reduce the natural tangy coconutty flavor.

I was looking at the following question:
Homemade coconut milk in coffee compared to store bought

Someone was suggesting that the industry adds tri-calcium phosphate. I have no idea if that is available to the public or even if that would work. Any thoughts?

Edit: I believe my question is somewhat different from the one above as it doesn't specifically relate to coffee. I think this small factor might influence the answers. This question has generated different answers to the question.

Best Answer

Best method is simply to heat the coconut.

My current method:

  • Heat shredded coconut and water (1:4 ratio). No need to boil.
  • Let the mixture cool. I usually forget about it and come back a few hours later
  • Blend and strain

Although someone had pointed out to me that tricalcium phosphate is used in commercial brands, today I would tell them this is a bad idea.

I have now tasted about every brand available to me and they all taste pretty awful. The worst in terms of taste have tricalcium phosphate.

Homemade is truly the best. Just use a bit of heat to mellow out the taste.

I have experimented with baking soda. This works rather well, however it does leave a taste/sensation of its own. Although I didn't put much I will try to use less the next time. Nonetheless, I am submitting this as an answer. I will try to get my hands on tricalcium phosphate -- if I can -- and report back.