Homemade coconut flavoured yogurt


I love there store bought coconut flavoured yogurts. I usually make my own but i cant find any type of coconut aromas around (even synthetics). Is there some way to do some similar yogurts? I use powdered milk, whey and casein in my yogurts so the only missing ingredient is the aroma.

Best Answer

There are two choices when flavoring yogurt: while you are making it and after it is made. If you want to make a batch of yogurt and choose your flavors later you may enjoy adding coconut extract (or other extracts) after the fact. However, if you are set on a single flavor (as your question implies) you will get better results adding a flavoring oil, the chemistry of oils vs. alcohol seem to react differently. Check out the "Mr. Yogurt" link, he has done some experimenting that will help you along.