Eggs – Dehydrating eggs


I have seen a few examples of dehydrating scrambled eggs, and reconstituting them later. It got me wondering if there is a way to dehydrate raw eggs in a way that lets them still work for baking.

I think it would be a good way to make a "just add milk" pancake mix for camping, so we don't have to bring eggs along.

Is there a good method for dehydrating eggs in a standard home dehydrator, and will they be usable for baking?

Best Answer

Powdered eggs are available for purchase. Yes, they can be used for baking. Due to the their advantages, they are often advertised for camping or long-term storage use. You can even purchase the powdered whites and powdered yolks separately. However, there are many applications they are not good for (fried eggs, anyone?).

There are a number of tutorials online about dehydrating raw eggs at home, but there are also warnings of salmonella because home dehydrators may leave the eggs in the food safety danger zone for too long.