Eggs – How to clean scrambled eggs from a pan


As an example, I made eggs using Gordon Ramsay's Perfect Scrambled Eggs, at the end the pan ends up having a layer of eggs attached to the bottom and sides that is very difficult to wash (not a nonstick pan).

I found some recommendations online, but none of them have worked very well. Maybe there is no good way?

  • Baking soda
  • Run under cold water instead of hot

Best Answer

That thin layer of eggs sure is a pain. I take a two-pronged approach: immediately after taking the eggs out of the pan I run it under water until it stops hissing. This helps loosen the stuck-on stuff and rinse away any heavy crud.

Then I fill the pan with water and leave it on the counter while I eat my delicious eggs.

After breakfast I rinse the pan again and hit it with a green scrubby (e.g. Scotch-Brite brand - don't use this on non-stick) or the scrubby side of a sponge.

enter image description here

After the soak, the eggs pretty much just wipe right out.