Eggs – How to reduce the eggs from over burnt at the sides in a wok


I usually throw 3 eggs in a bowl and stir (also known as scrambled eggs) until it become a mixture, then I throw into a wok and fry it. However, I always get the sides (the perimeter or the edges) burnt.

So, how do I prevent the sides from getting over cooked?

I want to cook like the picture below:

enter image description here

I don't want to over fried the edge (or the sides or the perimeter or the outer circle) as shown in the following picture:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can fry an egg in a wok. Is it the easiest pan to use? Maybe not. But it is doable. I do it occasionally in mine. Check out this video.

A couple things.... play with your heat. It is possibly too high. You'll also want to make sure your Wok is well seasoned prior to using (I can't tell by your picture, but I'll assume it's carbon steel or cast iron). If it's well seasoned (as in the video)you simply have a round non-stick pan. If you set your heat right, you should be able to cook an egg like that in there. Also in your two pictures, the first egg looks scrambled quite a bit smoother before putting on the heat.

I would probably not pick anything like stainless steel though (most pans that are silver coloured), as they definitely won't be non-stick and will require a lot more oil to keep your egg from sticking.