Flavor – Re-boiling of tea


I used to keep tea in thermos container after preparing. But i want to know how to keep it hot when serving within 5-10 minutes.

  • When I reboil it as-is, then it becomes tasteless: it's like drinking boiled sweet-bitter water not a cup of tea.
  • When I reboil it after adding some more milk to it, still i didn't tasted good enough (the flavor lost its strength)
  • When I added hot milk to it before reboiling it did not come to the desired results

No matter how I reheat it, what I get is a waste and it doesn't taste good. If I am only serving after 5-10 minutes,it seems unnecessary to use a thermos. What measures i can take while boiling again, if I want a rich and full cup of tea? Should i use thermos? Or am I missing some other method?

Best Answer

Much of the flavor and aroma of tea comes from volatile oils/compounds.

The heat applied to tea leaves while steeping them is key to releasing those volatile compounds but when you reboil the tea, a large portion the flavor compounds in the water are likely just going to be vaporized. The end result is the reheated tea will have very little 'tea' flavor left. The tannins however are less volatile and remain in the re-heated tea hence the bitterness.

A pre-warmed ceramic teapot would probably due the trick for keeping your tea warm for 5-10 minutes.