Seasoning Tips – Reducing the Saltiness of Commercially Prepared Seasoning


I've been cooking a certain brand of noodles, and noticed that the seasoning provided is quite salty than you'd expect. Is there a way to reduced the saltiness without a noticeable change in flavor? And if it does change the flavor, please describe in what way it changes.

Best Answer

My simple method is just to use less of the packet. If it's still a little bland, you can always add spices back in (eg, if you want a touch of heat, shake in a little crushed red pepper).

If you're preparing ramen, my uncle's simple method was to stretch it out by adding other vegetables, such as some form of cabbage (eg, bok choy, a couple of shreaded brussel sprouts), some sliced onion, bean sprounts, etc. It's basically a form of diluting, but you're adding things that need to be seasoned, so it won't seem as overly salted.