Cutting – How to Cut and Serve Ribs?


I slow-cooked spare ribs on my grill yesterday:

enter image description here

I'm not sure if that picture does it justice, but they were very tasty.

The problem I had was cutting and serving them to my family. Is there a particular knife I should use to cut these ribs?

Also, is there a particular way I should cut them? I'm trying to reduce the mess.

Best Answer

I'd personally go with a standard carving set: Very sharp non serrated long carving knife and a carving fork to help hold the meat steady without getting in-there with your hands.

Assuming you're right handed I'd start on the right with the with the ribs running up away from you, maybe slightly pointing to the left. Then cut along the bone, close to the bone so all the meat is on one side the finished cut. You should be able to get your fork one rib along the rack from where you're cutting but work out what feels best