How to you maximise the shell life of milk in milk bags, after having opened them


My grandmother buys milk bags as they cost less, stores each milk bag in a pitcher as such, but can drink only 1/4 of the milk bag daily. So after opening each bag, she must close and fasten the milk bag, and to do so she has tried using a rubber band and a binder clip.

The problem: Rubber bands and clips fail to be secure enough, since the milk always start to spoil on the 4th day.
So what else can be used to close the bag, to increase the endurance of the milk in the refrigerator?

Best Answer

Like rumtscho I don't think there's anything you can do to reseal the bag and increase its shelf life. If anything resealing the bag just make things worse as the extra handling of the bag can only end up transferring more germs.

My mom is in a similar situation, she prefers to buy bag milk as it offers the cheapest unit price, but she doesn't consume that much of it. Instead of trying to reseal the bag, she does two things to ensure her milk lasts. The first is to buy fine filtered milk. This is milk that goes through an extra filtering step that removes almost all bacteria, and increases the shelf life in the fridge up to 10 days. The second thing she does is freeze the unopened bags. She never has to throw away milk this way, and from the sounds of things she doesn't go through as much milk each day as your grandmother.