Killed Enzymes in Yogurt


We are big dairy eaters in our home, so I successfully make about a gallon of Greek yogurt every few weeks. Today I started my process as usual, but with so many things happening at once (just had my 2nd baby, so things are hectic), I failed to remember to let the milk cool before adding in my enzymes: I stirred them in right at 180 degrees. So having killed my enzymes (sigh), what can I do with all of this milk/yogurt mix aside from throwing it down the sink? Pardon my stupidity and lack of knowledge on the subject, but would the heating process alter at all the calories/nutrients in the milk/yogurt in any way (aside from the obvious death of the innocent enzymes)? Will my milk curdle or something? Thank you!

Best Answer

Why not just add more enzymes after the stuff cooled sufficiently?

Enzymes you add to food are generally not toxic. If you denature them by getting them too hot, they don't usually renature spontaneously when the food cools down. They'll just act like a gram, or whatever amount, of protein added to your yogurt mix. Adding fresh enzymes once the milk is cool enough won't hurt anything. Those new, happy enzymes will just do their enzymatic thing, and give you the yogurt you want.