Looking for a pliers-like tool for making crushed tomatoes


I need a tool for crushing or mashing fresh tomatoes. I know I can use a grater but that takes too much table space for me to use and it's not comfortable enough – if you want to crush a tomato after you start eating, you need space for another plate to grate the tomato on top of it. You also have to stand up.

I am looking for a tool similar with an egg slicer, where you can simply push one side on top of the other to crush the tomato. Or like a nut cracker, so I can crush the tomato while holding it on top of my plate. And I can sit down when doing it.

Is there any instrument like that?

Best Answer

I think a lemon squeezer might work:

lemon squeezer

You would want to buy one in person so you can see the size of the holes, which vary a lot. I think some of the tomato would come out through the holes and some would be left behind mushed up in the squeezer, which you could shake out onto the plate.