Meaning of do not thaw for frozen food


Today I bought frozen food for the first time and the brand is Mc Coin.

I read the instructions, which have the following instructions;

Do Not Thaw and cook from frozen

I am unsure how to parse this. Can someone please tell me what the company is telling me in the instructions, and how I am to cook it?

  • Should I put my opened packet into freezer ?
  • Should I cook it directly from the packet ?

Best Answer

Your question is slightly confusing but I'll try to answer your question.

As far as I can tell McCoin brand is bags of frozen vegetables (correct me if I am wrong). If it says do not thaw and to cook from frozen, it just means you do not need to thaw it before you cook it.

Thawing is the act of unfreezing something. This can be accomplished by leaving something out at room temperature to naturally thaw.

So if you have frozen corn and want to put it in chili or soup, just throw the frozen corn directly in without thawing it.