Meat – Cooking a mix of raw and cooked meat


I have cooked meat that is fully prepared, I like its taste but not its texture. I want to mince it, add it to some raw minced meat and prepare something from the entire mass.

What is the correct way to do it?

  • Safety concerns, the meat will be cooked thoroughly, but still are there any concerns regarding mixing the meats pre cooking.

  • Texture and taste, what is the best way to cook the entire mass without overcooking the already cooked meat?

  • Should the raw meat be pre cooked separately and only combined when cooked? What is the best way to do it?

Best Answer

Once the meat is cooked, there really isn't a way to turn it into minced meat without there being a noticeable difference in texture. However, it is not unusual to see fully cooked meat getting finely chopped (in fact) to become, for example, filling, and used in ways sort of like how one would use fried minced meat.


You can grind cooked meat, no problem. Some sausage recipes, actually call for ground cooked meat.

You best bet is to cook the raw minced meat as you would usually cook it, and dump in the cooked meat, that's all chopped up, at the last moment to heat it up.