Meat – How to Cook Minced Meat Faster


I know how to cook it fine, with garlic, onions and some seasoning (olives and pepper some times). But the thing is, it takes too long for the water to evaporate (reduce) making it take long.

Is there a way to make it faster?

I'm a very novice "cook", so any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Also, I would add that I tend to cook in batches, rather than overfilling the pan. So using a large deep skillet put enough in to cover about 2/3 of the base, and cook on high heat til browned etc.

Then I put it into a warmed bowl as I cook the next batch, until I have a full bowl of cooked mince, which I can then put back into the pan to simmer and turn into whatever the end dish is.