Meat – How to properly vacuum seal and freeze food that may stick together


I had a mishap involving steak freezing together and am wondering what the best way to prevent it from happening again. I just got a vacuum sealer and have being buying large quantities of meat and putting them in one big bag and sucking the air out. This hasn't worked so well as

  1. the meet got mushed together (especially sausages) and froze
  2. after opening the bag I wasn't really able to
    re-vacuum seal the same bag.

It was recommend to plastic wrap the meat individually. Does that defeat the point of using a vacuum sealer at all? Might I as well plastic wrap everything and then put them in the freezer just like that? It was also recommended to use "freezer paper", I've never heard of that. I guess I could try using it to not cover the individual pieces of meet but only where they would touch the others in the bag that I would vacuum seal.

Also can I reseal vacuum sealer bags? If no maybe the best option is to use small bags and put the individual pieces of meat into them right away.

Best Answer

You can use waxed baking paper between the steaks, It will make them easily separable but without retaining air bubbles.