Spanish Cuisine – Identifying Different Types of Chorizo


I have been given a gourmet hamper which includes a chorizo sausage. There are no instructions on the packet to say what it is. I have had cooking chorizo before and know what it looks like. This chorizo is about 8 inches long, has string at both ends and is quite soft. I don't want to give anyone a stomach upset. To cook or not to cook.

Regards Carol.

Best Answer

A couple of the largest clues to help you

  1. If it's Spanish, it's probably OK 'raw', if it's Mexican, probably not.

  2. If it's soft & squashy, it needs cooking, if it's firm & wrinkled it's OK as it is.

Left is cured & ready to eat, right must be cooked first.

enter image description here

I'm ignoring the fact that for this photo someone has cross-contaminated, making the properly smoked one no longer safe

One additional tip I learned from my mother-in law, who lives in Spain - even though completely safe 'raw', if the skin comes off easily in one piece, it's better raw; if it tears off in bits, cook it anyway in red wine. It's not as good.