Dumplings – How to Prevent Dumplings from Sticking Together


I tried cooking dumplings for the first time a while back. Now I am trying for the second time.

Last time I made them, I used fresh pasta wonton wrappers. I set the edges of the wrappers and then folder them over. There was water getting all over the dumplings.

Then I put them in a pile when they were done…..they glued completely together. This time I want to prevent any chance of them sticking to each other.

Obviously the first step is not to pile the wet dumplings on top of each other. But I am also concerned they might stick when I boil them. They wrappers seems very thin a delicate and I don't want them to tear.

Should I use liberal amounts of flour on them at all stages? Or should I oil them instead before I boil them?

Best Answer

You can't let the dumplings touch after you make them, just keep them spaced apart until you cook them. I'm not a fan of boiling, I prefer steaming them or frying/steaming as described by @user245427 instead, however if you do boil them you can keep them from sticking using this method:

  • Use a big pan with plenty of water, that way the dumplings have plenty of space
  • Drop the dumplings in 2 at a time on opposite sides of the pot so they don't hit and stick together right away
  • Stir them around often, I use a wire strainer I got from an Asian supermarket, it's perfect for the job and you can lift them out very easily with the same tool. See the pic below

enter image description here

I wouldn't bother oiling them before boiling them because the oil will wash off in a couple of seconds and you're just wasting a good ingredient without getting any benefit. Also, don't flour them, you won't solve the sticking problem without using a lot, and the flour will just be a gooey mess later that doesn't taste very nice.