Rice – Brown Basmati rice — How to prevent mushiness


I have been cooking regular white Basmati for years and have perfected the method to get it to perfection (solid, tender, not mushy).

Recently, I decided to try brown Basmati because I heard brown rice is healthier. I first tried cooking it the same exact way as white but, once the water was all evaporated, I realized the rice was still really hard and needed to cook more, so I added more water. After the second addition, the rice was alright but also turned mushy and grains stuck to one another. I think it takes 50% more water to cook than white Basmati.

Typically, what I do with white is I bring 3.5 coffee mugs of water to a boil with 1.5 tsp of salt and some oil to prevent sticking to the pot. Note I am not using a rice cooker. Then I add 1.5 coffee mugs of rice and reduce the fire just down to where only very small 2-3 bubbles are coming at a time. That gets my white Basmati to perfection. I used 5 mugs of water with brown rice, the rice finally got necessary tenderness but also was mushy.

I understand that brown rice is much better for you but the biggest reason I am so much in love with Basmati is the texture, long grain and being able to cook it yet each grain can be separated. If I can't learn to cook brown Basmati like that, I might just go back to white.

Can anybody hint how to achieve the same texture with brown Basmati?

Best Answer

The basic differences between white and brown rice is explained below (as written here):

An important first question to ask about all rice-and for that matter, most foods-is how much it has been processed. In the case of rice, processing usually involves milling and polishing. The outermost layer of rice, called the hull, is removed to make brown rice. Brown rice is rice with the whole kernel intact and the kernel is still surrounded by all layers of bran.

To produce white rice, the bran layers of the rice have to be milled off. Most of the rice germ is also removed during this abrasive grinding process. At this point in the process the rice is called milled, unpolished white rice. Finally, a wire brush machine is used to remove the aleurone layer that remains on the rice. This step is called polishing. As polishing is not an all-or-nothing process, semi-polished rice may still contain parts of its aleurone layer.

Additional information about brown rice (here):

[Brown rice] has a mild nutty flavor, and is chewier and more nutritious than white rice, but goes rancid more quickly because the germ—which is removed to make white rice—contains fats that can spoil. Any rice, including long-grain, short-grain, or sticky rice, may be eaten as brown rice.

So, because they are processed differently and have different parts of the grain intact or removed, your method of cooking is going to vary.

I have used this method of cooking brown basmati rice with pretty good success. It includes washing the rice a number of times prior to cooking and adding salt. This method advises adding oil after the cooking process, but I typically add it into my rice while it cooks, or even sauteeing the grains in oil then adding water to the pot to cook.

It is also suggested that leaving your brown rice to soak for 15-20 minutes (and sometimes even longer) can be beneficial as well.

All of that aside: if you're looking to stick with a flavor and texture similar to that of white rice then brown rice may not be your thing. I know that as a jasmine rice eater I do not particularly care for the texture of brown (even brown jasmine). As mentioned above it does have a "nutty" flavor and is "chewier" regardless of how well/properly it is prepared. It changes the flavor and feel of every dish I serve it with. Just a heads up.