Rice – What’s the best way to cook brown rice


Apparently the ratio of water to rice for brown rice is 1.5:1. I simmered my rice for about half an hour with the lid on the pan and the rice was still hard and the water nearly all gone. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

I usually pop my rice into a pan, shake the pan to even the rice out across the bottom of the pan.

I then add cold water to cover roughly half way up my thumb where my thumb is touching the surface of the rice.

Place onto the hob and quickly bring to the boil and then immediately turn down to the lowest setting on the smallest ring and cover with a lid.

Leave the rice to cook for around 30-35 minutes. Don't be worried if it looks like it's going to dry out, the steam in the pan under the lid will keep things moist. Don't be tempted to remove the lid to check on things, you'll lose all the moisture/steam and it'll dry out/stick.