Rice – Sweet rice recipe help? Panama cook book recipe


This is from my vague Panama cookbook for "Sweet Rice." It's a side dish, not dessert.


- 4 or 5 coconuts (Google says 1 coconut is 1 or 2 cups of coconut milk)    
- 1/2 pound of ginger (?)
- 1 box of raisins (my guess is 2 cups since I'll be making 4 cups of rice)
- 1 pound of rice (Google says 2 cups uncooked)
- Cinnamon to taste (?)
- Clove to taste (?)
- Salt to taste
- Light brown sugar (?)
- White sugar (?)

Please help me with "to taste" directions. I can't cook, I need specifics.
1/2 pound of ground ginger? How many thumbs would you use?
Cinnamon and clove to taste? How many ml?
And what's your guess on the amounts of sugar?

These directions sound so easy but I can't guess on these amounts myself. Appreciate any help, thanks.

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Best Answer

Can I start by saying... You need a new cook book...

Regarding the question. For my taste

  • 1tsp cloves
  • 2tsp cinnamon
  • 2tbsp brown sugar
  • 1tbsp white sugar
  • 3 Inches of Ginger

How many people are you cooking for because as a "Side Dish" this seems to make a huge amount of product. As I said this is how I would do it to my taste but It's not something I've ever eaten before and I HATE the taste of cloves.