Sauce – the difference between a Jus, Sauce and a Gravy


I've just booked my Christmas meal. This included Sausage, mashed potatoes and an Onion Jus. Why Jus and not Gravy?

Begs the question, What is the difference between a Jus, Sauce and a Gravy?

Best Answer

What’s the difference between gravy, jus, sauce and coulis?

Will says...

• 'Gravy is made from the juices of oven roast meat, thickend with a starch such as corn flour.

• Jus is made from the same juices that has been refined and condensed to get a clear liquid naturally thickened.

• Sauce could be made from the same juices with other ingredients added such as wines or spirits to compliment the food. Sauces can be served hot or cold.

• Coulis is a thin fruit or vegetable purée, used as a sauce. If the purée is too thick, you can add some water and sometimes sugar'.


My personal feeling for sauces is they can be made from anything. Parsnips, Mushrooms, Celeriac etc when 'Gravy' and 'Jus' must have Meat juices as their base.

On menu's you'll often see 'Gravy' on pub menu's where they aren't trying to sound to posh, probably using some sort of packet mix. Jus' on French style menu's OR people trying too hard. Finally you'll see something like "Beef and Juniper Sauce" on my menu and many others because... Gravy sounds too common and Jus sounds too poncy.