Sauce – the difference between jus and stock


They seem to be made very similarly.

They both can be made from bones, veg etc. I know technically au jus refers to using the juices of the meet that you're cooking but i've seen people make a "jus" with bones and offcuts… which sounds exactly like what you do for a stock.

Is it because people add things like wine to a jus where a stock is usually just meat, bones and veg?

What's the difference?

Best Answer

Jus generally refers to a sauce or accompaniment, served alongside or on top of some other food.

Stock is a (generally gelatin-rich) broth used during the cooking process, whether as a braising/cooking liquid, or reduced/thickened into another sauce.

There are varying ways to make both; the terminology mainly refers to how they're served or used. In my opinion, "jus" is just a fancified way to refer to a stock served as a final component of a meal rather than an ingredient during cooking.